Storytelling in Mixed Reality

Course Description

Stories are an intrinsic part of our societies and culture. Technologically supported mediums of expression, - radio, television and now the Internet have not only enabled the story to spread beyond the campfire but also to help increase access and impact. This course asks the question: What will the world of storytelling look like in 10 years? Is it one devoid of human input and interaction dominated by CG artificial intelligence supported by machine learning, or is it one in which the relative strengths of human and machine coalesce to bring about an even better result?

Students will explore storytelling and communication by combining the ancient art of storytelling with the state-of-the-art medium of mixed reality. Topics include the history of storytelling through mediums and modes and technologies of expression, development and design for mixed reality devices, reality reconstruction techniques, applications of computer vision, volumetric video production, motion capture and spatial audio.

The contents of this course are framed within the context of the Living Stories Through Technology research project at NYU, which investigates the use of augmented reality for storytelling. Students will work in teams to document and produce a final project and/or technical framework designed to teach and inspire others to tell their stories and to add to the Living Stories Through Technology showcase of work in Shanghai, New York and Abu Dhabi.