





Degree Requirements - 2017-2018 Bulletin

* = offered in Fall '18

**While Calculus is not a requirement in the Social Science major, some Foundational/Methods/Focus courses (but not all) do require Calculus as a prerequisite. Thus, students are encouraged to consider what courses they would like to take for the Social Science major and whether Calculus is a prerequisite. 
Not every course listed is taught every semester, and in any given semester other courses may be offered that fulfill these requirements. Requirements may be met through equivalent courses in the Global Network with prior approval.
2 FOUNDATIONAL COURSES (100-200 level)
These courses provide an introduction to the foundational knowledge and building blocks of analytic methods in a range of social sciences. Typical coursework: A mix of lectures, discussion, assignments, shorter essays, quizzes, and/or exams.
ECON-SHU 1Principles of Macroeconomics*
ECON-SHU 2Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-SHU 3Microeconomics*
ECON-SHU 4Microeconomics for Non-Economists (equivalent to ECON-SHU 2, but cannot satisfy a requirement for Economics nor Business major)
ECON-SHU 251Economics of Global Business
PSYC-SHU 101Introduction to Psychology*
SOCS-SHU 135Environment and Society*
SOCS-SHU 150Introduction to Comparative Politics
SOCS-SHU 160Introduction to International Politics*
SOCS-SHU 170Introduction to Global Health*
NEUR-SHU 160Introduction to Brain and Behavior
2 METHODS COURSES (100-300 level)
These courses equip students with tools to both critically consume and create advanced social scientific research. Methods courses include introductory courses and more advanced courses which may have one or more prerequisites. Additional methods courses are available at the study away sites, NYU New York, and NYU Abu Dhabi. If a methods course carries only 2 credits, a second 2-credit course in a similar field is needed to complete a method course requirement.
BUSF-SHU 101Statistics for Business and Economics*
ECON-SHU 213Causal Inference in the Social Sciences
ECON-SHU 216Introduction to Game Theory*
ECON-SHU 301Econometrics*
MATH-SHU 20Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
MATH-SHU 235Probability and Statistics*
SOCS-SHU 141Methods of Social Research (planned for Spring 2019)
SOCS-SHU 210Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences*
SOCS-SHU 248Fraud (online)​
SOCS-SHU 318Ethnographic Methods (planned for Spring 2019)
SOCS-SHU 350Empirical Research Practice*
2 CORE COURSES (200-400 level) (prereq: GPS I)
The Social Science Core Courses are interdisciplinary courses that create unexpected connections between the social science disciplines. Classic Problems courses introduce the history and philosophy of the social scientific approach. New Challenges courses introduce new approaches to current challenges in social science research. Students must take one course from each of the two core categories. Social Science core courses are not widely available at the study away sites, NYU New York, or NYU Abu Dhabi; students should plan to take them in Shanghai. Students who complete two Social Science core courses may use additional core courses to complete the focus requirement if appropriate for their approved choice of focus.
Classic Problems in Social Science
SOCS-SHU 229Capitalism, Socialism, Communism: Theory and Practice (online)*
SOCS-SHU 245Ethnographic Thinking
SOCS-SHU 253Nature in Social Thought (planned for Spring 2019)
New Challenges in Social Science
GCHN-SHU 270Researching Chinese Politics and Society
SOCS-SHU 234Image as Evidence
SOCS-SHU 270Social Change in Contemporary China (to be offered in Fall 2018, pending confirmation)
SOCS-SHU 301Complexity
SOCS-SHU 334Legal Psychology (planned for Spring 2019)
3 FOCUS COURSES (200-400 levels) - two must be 300-level or 400-level
These courses give students an in-depth look at one specific topic or one field. In consultation with their faculty mentor, students may choose to focus in a particular social science discipline or on one topic from an interdisciplinary perspective. Additional focus courses are widely available at the study away sites, NYU New York, and NYU Abu Dhabi.
BPEP-SHU 9042Political Economy of East Asia
CCSF-SHU 123Contemporary Chinese Political Thought*
ECON-SHU 10Intermediate Microeconomics*
ECON-SHU 200Topics: Economics of Market Platform
ECON-SHU 202Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON-SHU 215Economic History
ECON-SHU 216Introduction to Game Theory*
ECON-SHU 225Advanced Economic Theory*
ECON-SHU 238Modern Economic Growth: Explore China*
ECON-SHU 260International Trade
ECON-SHU 316Industrial Organization
GCHN-SHU 200-003Chinese Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective
GCHN-SHU 230Culture and Media in Urban China*
GCHN-SHU 240Modern Chinese Governance
GCHN-SHU 241Chinese Revolutions
GCHN-SHU 243Chinese Environmental Studies
LWSO-SHU 491International Investment Transactions in Developing Countries
LWSO-SHU 9251Law Culture and Politics in China
MCC-SHU 9451Global Media Seminar: China*
PSYC-SHU 234Developmental Psychology
PSYC-SHU 329Parenting and Culture* 
PSYC-SHU 337Adolescent Psychology
PSYC-SHU 349Cultures of Psychology
PSYC-SHU 352Psychology of Human Sexuality*
SOCS-SHU 232International Law and Institutions
SOCS-SHU 241Cultures of Business and Work*
SOCS-SHU 272The U.S. Constitution: Is It Relevant to China?*
SOCS-SHU 275U.S.-China Relations
SOCS-SHU 306Pestilence: Critical Perspectives in Global Health
SOCS-SHU 300Topics in Law & Politics: Law and Land in the US and China*
SOCS-SHU 300BTopics in Urban Studies: Urban Transportation Revolutions
SOCS-SHU 331Politics in China
SOCS-SHU 333Global Environmental Politics
SOCS-SHU 339Comparative Revolutions*
SOCS-SHU 340Comparative Constitutions
SOCS-SHU 341Cross-Strait Relations*
SOCS-SHU 426Poverty and Inequality Around the Globe
SOCS-SHU 440Topics in Anthropology: Visual Anthropology
SOCS-SHU 445Topics in Society, Health, & Medicine
SOCS-SHU 997Social Science Independent Study*
SOIM-SHU 9006Law, Business, and Society

Focus Options: Disciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Self-Designed

Students majoring in Social Science are required to choose a disciplinary or interdisciplinary track, which determines the courses they choose for their 3 Focus requirements and the subject of their senior capstone project. Tracks are noted on student transcripts. Disciplinary tracks available include Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. (Students who wish to pursue a track in Economics are advised to major in Economics instead.) Interdisciplinary tracks are available in Environmental Studies, Global Health, International Relations, and Political Economy. Students may choose "Self-Designed" as their track, and select their Focus courses and senior capstone project in consultation with a faculty mentor. For these students, "Self-Designed" will appear as the track of record on their transcripts.

1 Capstone Course (400 level)

Students complete a capstone seminar course during one semester of their senior year. As part of the capstone seminar students conduct an independent research project in their area of focus using the methods, theories, and data with which they have become familiar over the course of completing the major. The capstone seminar must be completed in Shanghai.



Recommended Fall 2018 Courses

Recommended Courses in Fall 2018 for Freshmen

  1. Global Perspectives on Society
  2. Core Curriculum Class
  3. Core Curriculum Class
  4. English or Chinese

Recommended Courses in Fall 2018 for Sophomores

  1. Perspectives on the Humanities
  2. Foundational Course
  3. Social Science Core
  4. Core Curriculum Class or Chinese
Faculty Mentors
Professor Almaz Zelleke Associate Professor of Practice in Political Science and Social Science co-Area Leader
Email: | Room: based in Washington Square | Profile
Professor Todd Meyers Associate Professor of Anthropology and Social Science co-Area Leader
Email: | Room: 1201 | Profile
Professor Lixian Cui Assistant Professor of Psychology
Email: | Room: 1238 | Profile
Professor Yifei Li Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
Email: | Room: 1203 | Profile
Professor Xuan Li Assistant Professor of Psychology
Email: | Room: 1248 | Profile
Professor Eric Hundman Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Political Science
Email: | Room: 1223 | Profile
Professor Ivan Willis Rasmussen Assistant Professor of Practice in Political Science
Email: | Room: 1317 | Profile
Professor Pekka Santtila Professor of Psychology
Email: | Room: 1237 | Profile
Professor Xiaogang Wu Visiting Professor of Sociology
Email: | Room: 1204 | Profile
Requirements for Candidates for Honors in the Social Science Major
Honors degree designation in the Social Science major is awarded to the top students in the major determined by cumulative GPA in Social Science courses and the grades assigned in the Honors Capstone Seminar and Honors Capstone Independent Study. To be a candidate for honors in the Social Science major, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or above in Social Science courses completed by the second semester of the junior year. Honors candidates complete a 2-credit Honors Capstone Seminar in the first semester of the senior year and a 4-credit Honors Capstone Independent Study under the supervision of a faculty mentor in the second semester of the senior year. Honors candidates must maintain a GPA in Social Science courses of 3.75 or above to remain eligible for honors in the Social Science major.
Minor in Social Science: 4 Courses
Students who wish to complete a minor in Social Science must complete one of the Methods courses from the list of approved Social Science Methods courses and three additional courses from the list of approved Social Science courses.