



·       提高对现代全球商业环境及其经济结构的认识;

·       培养经济学和统计学的学科技能;

·       获得会计、金融学、市场营销、经营和组织管理的重点入门知识。



Degree Requirements - 2017-18 Bulletin

* = offered in Fall '18 in Shanghai

BUSF-SHU 101Statistics for Business and Economics* 
BUSF-SHU 202Foundations of Finance*Pre-reqs: Statistics for Business and Economics; Microeconomics
BUSF-SHU 250Principles of Financial Accounting*Pre-req: Not open to freshmen
ECON-SHU 3Microeconomics*Pre-req: Calculus or Honors Calculus
ECON-SHU 251Economics of Global BusinessPre-req: Microeconomics
BUSF-SHU 303Corporate Finance*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 142 (205)Information Technology in Business and Society* 
BUSF-SHU 210Business AnalyticsPre-req: Business Major priority; A prior Statistics Course (BUSF-SHU 101)
BUSF-SHU 351Competitive Advantage from OperationsPre-req: Business major priority; no freshmen
MKTG-SHU 1-001Introduction to Marketing*Pre-req: Not open to freshmen
MGMT-SHU 301 Management and Organizations*Pre-req: Business major priority; no freshmen
Note: Any 4-credit Finance elective course offered at NYU Shanghai or any 3-credit Finance elective course offered by the Stern Finance Department can count as a Finance elective. Taking two 2-credit Finance courses will be counted as meeting the requirement of one Finance elective.
BUSF-SHU 222ARisk Management in Financial instructions: Market Risk*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 222BRisk Management in Financial Instructions: Credit Risk*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 229Behavioral Finance*Pre-req: Corporate Finance
BUSF-SHU 304Futures and Options*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 308Hedge Fund Strategies*Pre-req: Corporate Finance
NON-FINANCE ELECTIVES - Choose Two from the Following Areas
Information System
BUSF-SHU 200ETopics in Business: Network Analytics*Pre-req: Introduction to Computer Programming; Calculus; and Statistics
BUSF-SHU 225 Negotiation and Consensus Building* 
BUSF-SHU 232Entrepreneurship Explored* 
SOIM-SHU 65Organizational Communication & Its Social Context*Pre-req: Business major priority; no freshmen
BUSF-SHU 220JEthical Decision Making & Leadership* 
MKTG-SHU 2Consumer Behavior*Pre-req: Intro to Marketing
MKTG-SHU 3Advertising Management*Pre-req: Bus major priority; Intro to Marketing (or Instructor Permission)
MKTG-SHU 9Research for Customer Insights*Pre-req: Intro to Marketing
MKTG-SHU 57Digital Marketing*Pre-req: Bus major priority; Intro to Marketing (or Instructor Permission)
MKTG-SHU 200Strategic Marketing in China: Live Project and Case Studies*Pre-req: Intro to Marketing (MKGT-SHU 1); Junior/Senior Standing
BUSF-SHU 997Business Independent Study*Pre-req: Permission of the Academic Discipline; see Albert for details.
BUSF-SHU 3Business Honors Seminar*Pre-req: Senior standing; must be selected by business program
SOCS-SHU 241Cultures of Business and Work* 
BUSF-SHU 211Design Thinking* 
BUSF-SHU 309 Financial Statement Analysis*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 3Business Honors Seminar* Pre-req: Senior standing; must be selected by business and economics honors program. Satisfies China Business Studies, depending on the individual topic.
BUSF-SHU 288Doing Business in China*Pre-req: Senior Standing
BUSF-SHU 200DBusiness Consulting in China*Pre-req: Business Majors; Senior/Junior Standing; Management and Organizations and/or Intro to Marketing
BUSF-SHU 286Chinese Financial Markets*Pre-req: Foundations of Finance or Principles of Finance
OPTIONAL: “Marketing Track”
MKTG-SHU 1 (9001)/BUSF-SHU 302 Introduction to MarketingCan be double-counted as a Business Core Elective.
Two Marketing Elective CoursesSee list here.
Recommended Fall 2018 Courses

Recommended Courses in Fall 2018 for Freshmen

  • Global Perspectives on Society
  • Core Class (Calculus)
  • Core Class
  • EAP/Chinese

Recommended courses in Fall 2018 for Sophomores

  • Perspectives on the Humanities
  • Principles of Financial Accounting
  • Foundations of Finance
  • Core/General Elective/Chinese
Faculty Mentor

Prof. Raymond Ro Email: raymond.ro@nyu.edu | Profile

Minor in Business
Required Courses
BUSF-SHU 101Statistics for Business and Economics
BUSF-SHU 250Principles of Financial Accounting
ECON-SHU 2Principles of Microeconomics
ECON-SHU 251Economics of Global Business (Students can take Intro to Macro and Intermediate Macro to substitute EGB)
MATH-SHU 121Calculus
Choose One Elective Course (Please note that the business minor elective list below is complete, no courses outside of the list will be approved.)
BUSF-SHU 142Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 303Corporate Finance
BUSF-SHU 351Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1Introduction to Marketing
Economics majors must complete two of the additional courses listed below to complete the minor within the double counting limits.
BUSF-SHU 142Information Technology in Business and Society
BUSF-SHU 202Foundations of Finance
BUSF-SHU 210Business Analytics
BUSF-SHU 351Competitive Advantage from Operations
MGMT-SHU 301Management and Organizations
MKTG-SHU 1Introduction to Marketing