Life Beyond Century Avenue: Class of 2019

In the months following graduation, members of NYU Shanghai’s third graduating class are thriving – with 91 percent of the Class of 2019 either taking jobs in fields such as tech, finance, education, consulting, and the social service sector or continuing their education in graduate school. The graduates continue to make the world their majors – 65% of the Class of 2019’s graduates are living outside their home country post-graduation.   

43% of the class have entered the global workforce. You can find NYU Shanghai graduates working on five continents, 19 countries and regions. About a quarter of the class – 27% – are working in the Hardware/Internet/IT/Software industries, representing a 6% increase over the Class of 2018. Notable employers include tech giants such as Amazon, Baidu, and IBM.

About half of the class – 48% – are continuing their studies at schools such as University of California, Berkeley, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University. 9 members of the class of 2019 are enrolled in PhD programs, while more than 100 have started work on their Masters degrees. 

Sixteen of NYU Shanghai’s 118 international graduates have chosen to remain in China. Of these, 12 are working, while four are pursuing further study.   

Five graduates earned prestigious global scholarships and fellowships, including a Yenching Scholarship, two Fulbright Scholarships, a Princeton in Asia Fellowship, and a Knight-Hennessy Scholarship. Shirley Zhao is the first student from NYU Shanghai to earn a Knight-Hennessy Fellowship, which will fully fund her graduate studies at Stanford University. She is also the only winner in 2019 from Mainland China.

This report includes NYU Shanghai graduates from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Figures in this report are based on the 95% of graduates for which the university has reasonable and verifiable information about their post-graduation activities, including information gathered from survey responses as well as other research from external sources.

Statistics are rounded to the nearest whole number. Therefore, totals do not always equal 100%.



Life Beyond Century Avenue 2018

Life Beyond Century Avenue 2017