Julia Hur现任上海纽约大学管理与组织学助理教授、纽约大学全球特聘助理教授,并在纽约大学斯特恩商学院任职。Hur教授主讲的课程包括《谈判基础》,《合作、冲突与谈判》,以及《管理与组织学》等。Hur教授在西北大学凯洛格商学院获得管理与组织学学院,在芝加哥大学获得社会科学硕士学位。
S Kang, JD Hur, GJ Kilduff (2024)
Beat the Rival but Lose the Game: How the Source of Alternative Offers Alters Behavior and Outcomes in Negotiation.
Journal of Applied PsychologyJD Hur, RL Ruttan (2023)
Beliefs about Linear Social Progress
Personality and Social Psychology BulletinJD Hur, A Lee-Yoon, AV Whillans (2021)
Are They Useful? The Effects of Performance Incentives on the Prioritization of Work versus Personal Ties.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesJD Hur, RL Ruttan, CT Shea (2020)
The Unexpected Power of Positivity: Predictions versus Decisions about Advisor Selection.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralJD Hur, LF Nordgren (2016)
Paying for performance: Performance Incentives Increase Desire for the Reward Object.
Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyJD Hur, M Koo, W Hofmann (2015)
When Temptations Come Alive: How Anthropomorphism Undermines Self-control.
Journal of Consumer Research
- 西北大学 管理与组织学博士
- 芝加哥大学 社会科学硕士
- 延世大学 心理学学士
- 管理目标和动机
- 固有观念和决策偏见
- 谈判
- Management and Organizations
- Collaboration, Conflict, and Negotiation
- Negotiation Fundamentals