
2017年5月 19日

首届本科生毕业典礼即将来临之际,5月11日,上海纽约大学校歌出炉。上纽大校歌由学生事务部员工、纽约大学校友Jeremy Hissong(2014届史坦哈德教育学院),谭人众(2014届文理研究院)联聘教授 Dianna Heldman,耗时八个月,共同创作而成。点击这里可听校歌。
































NYU Shanghai Alma Mater



We have come to stand together, soon we'll part our separate ways,

But we leave behind a legacy to light another's way.


We will build on our foundation, cross the mountains and the seas,

Giving rise to strength in unity for all the world to see,

Giving rise to strength in unity for all the world to see.


We are Shanghai, we're the city of lights.

We are Shanghai, and the future is bright.

We're chasing horizons, dispel the dark give rise to

Brightness and love for all lands.

The world is not too big for us to be friends.









We are Shanghai, we're the city of lights.

We are Shanghai, and the future is bright.

We're chasing horizons, dispel the dark give rise to

Brightness and love for all lands.

The world is not too big for us to live...


We've opened up our minds, we're reaching for the skies.

We're united together, we breathe as one.

Bridging our nations, the best is yet to come.


We are Shanghai, we're the city of lights.

We are Shanghai, and the future is bright.


The future's in Shanghai, 这城市流光溢彩

We are Shanghai, 下一站何其精彩

We're chasing horizons, dispel the dark give rise to

Brightness and love for all lands.




The world is not too big,

For all of us to sing.

The world is not too big for us

To live with open minds,

To live with open hearts,

We're reaching for the sky,

We are Shanghai.


Composition, Arrangement, Production, Mixing, Vocals - Jeremy Hissong

Composition, Vocals -  Renzhong Joyce Tan

Composition, Conducting - Dianna Heldman

Mastering - Nick Pitman

Conducting - Yi Mickey Zhang


Violin - Stephanie Song, Hengyuan Shen


Bamboo Flute - Lingjian Ouyang


Vocals - Abiral Chitrakar Phnuyal, Anthony Comeau, Della Wu, Dongyang Fei, Flora Lu, Foong Soon Cheong, Grace Zijin Gao, Hanna Rinderknecht-Mahaffy, Haoran Huang, Jack Zhu Hua, Jianghao Sam Hu, Jiaqi Ariel Dong, Jiaqiao Frank Xiang, Jiaxin Zheng, Katherine Li, Liam Han Shaw, Maya Wang, Mengchu Agnes Zhu, Natalie Kuan, Ninglu Ma, Rong Sang, Ruoxiao Yu, Sara Jo Battat, Shuanyi Shiny Wu, Shuo Jiang, Siyuan Hu (Kelvin), Tri Hoang, Victoria Rusu, Xinyi Wang, Xirui Zhao, Yang, Xuyuan, Yilun Wu, Yinmiao Li, Yixaun Chen, Yue Melody Yin, Yunzhu Irene Gao, Yutong Liu, Zeyu Richard Zhao, Zhengyi Chen, Zixin Harry Wang, Ziyu Lu.